• Profit after tax increased to SEK 1,413 million (718) and profit per share to SEK 19.51 (11.66). • Rental income increased to SEK 2,169 million (1.994) Proposal to the Annual General Meeting on 9 May 2005 • Five shares in Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB entitels to one share in Wihlborgs Syd • Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB changes its business name to Fabege AB • Dividend of SEK 6.50 (6.00) per share.
Wihlborgs’ profit after financial items amounted to SEK 1,011 million (826), in line with the forecast made at the time of the third-quarter report. The earnings figure includes profit from sales of property of SEK 384 million (740). “After a year notable for a high level of business activity, the acquisition of Fabege and good earnings, we are now ready to take the next step. With the proposed distribution of the Öresund properties, two geographically focused companies are being created with very good prospects for positive and value-creating development in their respective markets," says Erik Paulsson, President and CEO of Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB. “Stabilisation of the rental market for offices is continuing in Stockholm, and the Öresund region continues to look promising, with a good balance in the market. The level of interest in property deals will remain high in 2005 with the present steady trend in rents,” Paulsson continues. Appendix: Year-end report 2004