Our sustainability work is integrated in all parts of the organisation and has a clear division of responsibility for the work with the various focus areas. The sustainability department has overall responsibility for driving sustainability issues and collaborates with the rest of the organisation in implementation and follow-up.
Sustainability management

Our sustainability framework
We are a leader in the office market in Stockholm and have good opportunities to contribute to sustainable development in the districts in which we own a large number of properties. We take a holistic, responsible approach, and work broadly with climate issues, contributing to improved health, wellbeing and safety in our city districts. We do this by linking green financing to sustainability-certified buildings and investments, and endeavouring to create a city that is healthy and appealing in the long term to all who spend time here. We bring interesting and unexpected elements to everyday life, creating life between the buildings, taking an active role and considering the whole location. The whole time.
Management of material sustainability topics
The management of the sustainability work is based on our most essential areas below. Click on an area to read more about its governance, goals and activities.
Good health and safety • Diversity and gender equality • Greenhouse gas emissions
Read moreCity districts
Energy system • Living conditions in the local community • Equality • Education • Meaningful leisure time • Safety

Energy use • Greenhouse gas emissions • Waste

Supply chain
Review of supplier sustainability, including environment and human rights

Green financing

Good health Security • Indoor environment • Energy use • Greenhouse gas emissions

Business ethics
Anti-corruption • Tax

Management of sustainability work
- The Board of Directors bears overall responsibility for the sustainability strategy and following up Fabege’s work on sustainability. The Board of Directors has appointed Anne Årneby as the Board member with particular responsibility for sustainability.
- The CEO and the Executive Management Team bear overall responsibility for implementation of the sustainability strategy. Overall objectives are approved by the Executive Management Team and established at Board level.
- The Head of Sustainability coordinates and oversees sustainability issues and acts as spokesperson in external relations. The Head of Sustainability provides regular reports to the Executive Management Team and reports annually to the Board of Directors.
- Fabege’s Sustainability Department pursues and develops sustainability work and works in an integrated way with the rest of the organisation. The sustainability team, under the supervision of the Head of Sustainability, proposes objectives and coordinates and follows up activities.
- Managers and individual employees implement the strategy and perform the activities approved.