Our strategic sustainability work affects not only the value of our properties, but also our ability to attract both customers and capable employees. It also shows how well equipped we are to manage our own impact on climate and the impact of climate change on our business. Green financing is an important and natural element of our sustainability work.

Green financing - a key factor for long-term profitability
Material topics
- Green financing
Examples of objectives and activities
- 100% green financing.
- Reviewing and compiling the proportion of financial activities eligible for the EU taxonomy.
- Sustainability-linked loans and bonds.

GRI Standards
- Fabege-6: Proportion of green financing
- Fabege-7: EU taxonomy
Impact in the value chain
- Through high ESG performance, we can be part of increasing the share of green finance in society.
What we want to achieve
- Our financing will continue to be 100% sustainable and green.
What we do
- Increase the proportion of sustainable investments that reduce climate risk in assets.
- Disseminate sustainability knowledge to capital providers and investors.
- Participated in the development of banks’ green loan products, sustainability-linked loans and new sustainable products on the capital market.
- Continuous sustainability discussions with, and reporting to capital providers.
- Sustainability and environmental policy
- Finance policy
- Tax policy
- Credit policy
- Other procedures
- Quarterly and annual evaluation regarding green financing.
- Policies are evaluated annually and set by the Group Management Team.