Picture for flexible office solutions

Wherever you are, to us you are always at the heart of our business. Our motto is ‘creating the right conditions’. To us, it means ensuring that our customers and their employees have the right conditions to evolve and grow, both as individuals and as companies. That’s why we have developed a number of offerings aimed at those of you who are looking for simple solutions.

When it comes to office solutions, flexibility is key, and so we offer a range of space solutions and contract options. You can choose from a variety of options or combine several options, just like many other companies and organisations do.

Our flexible solutions

COW c/o Fabege


Flexible workplaces, private desks or a separate office for those of you who prefer a private space to be able to concentrate on your work without being disturbed. In addition, we take care of all the services, so you can focus on your work.

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NOW c/o Fabege


The concept NOW c/o Fabege, is just what it sounds like: Office space that is ready for you, the entrepreneur, to move into – right away. It offers every conceivable kind of service such as furnishings, locks, alarms, Wi-Fi, cleaning and more at a fixed monthly cost and with a three-month notice period.

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RUM c/o Fabege


We love meetings between people. With the aim of making everyday life easier for our customers, we offer three meeting rooms in Arenastaden for up to 30 people.

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VOV c/o Fabege


Simplify your everyday life as a master or mistress. In partnership with Dog Care Stockholm, we are opening a VOV dog daycare centre in Hammarby Sjöstad and one in Arenastaden. As a Fabege tenant, you have priority access to places.

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WAW c/o Fabege


At Fabege, we want to make everyday life easier for our customers. To that end we’ve developed an exclusive benefit for our customers that allows them to offer their employees access to three extra workplaces around Stockholm. We call it WAW!

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Do you have a question?

Malin Arestål
Business Arena Manager Flexible Offers
+46 46 73 027 28 82

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