Visio Exploatering AB (“Visio”), a company owned jointly by Fabege and Peab, has today, via Svensk FastighetsFinansiering II AB (SFFII) as the formal loan recipient, issued a bond loan in the amount of SEK 1,250m. The bond loan is to be used for onward lending to Visio, which will in turn use the proceeds, among other purposes,to invest in the development of Arenastaden. The bond, for which Fabege and Peab will stand surety and for which collateral will be placed by the Visio Exploatering group, has a term of five years. The loan will carry variable interest at a rate of STIBOR 3m + 3.50 percentage points. SFFII will apply for listing of the bonds on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm. Hansan AB is a service agent for SFFII, whereby reports and other such documentation will be published on Hansan’s website
Carnegie Investment Bank and DNB Markets have served as financial advisers and arrangers in connection with the issuance.
Fabege AB (publ)