Fabege continues the ambition to increase the green financing by issuing a new green bond within the green framework of Nya Svensk FastighetsFinansiering AB (Nya SFF).
The Nya SFF issued SEK 460m at a spread of 3 months Stibor plus 85 bps. The initial cost is 0.3 percent. The bond will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and will expire on 7 September 2018.
-The issue is in line with our commitment to fund ourselves in a green way and is a good fit with our ambitious sustainability efforts, says Åsa Lind, Head of Treasury at Fabege.
Fabege pursues ambitious sustainability efforts encompassing all aspects of its operations. Fabege also wants to work actively to bring about a more responsible capital market. Fabege’s ambition is that its green funding will rise at a rate that matches theenvironmental certification of its property portfolio. The aim is that all of Fabege’s properties will be environmentally certified by 2018.
Additional information about Nya SFF and the company’s Green framework can be found on the website www.hansan.se. Hansan AB is the company’s service agent. Nya SFF is co-owned by Fabege AB, Catena AB, Diös Fastigheter AB, Platzer Fastigheter Holding AB and Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB.
Fabege AB (publ)