Fabege has raised SEK 300m via SFF (Svensk FastighetsFinansiering AB) through a bond issue with a three year tenor.
The bond expires on 29 May 2020 and has a spread of 3 months Stibor plus 105 bps. The bond will be listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Sustainable Bond List. Swedbank has acted as Lead Manager in the transaction. Fabege has outstanding bonds totaling of SEK 2,548 m via SFF, of which SEK 1,866m relates to green bonds.
SFF is co-owned by Fabege AB, Catena AB, Diös Fastigheter AB, Platzer Fastigheter Holding AB and Wihlborgs Fastigheter AB. Additional information about Nya SFF and the company’s Green framework can be found on the website www.svenskfastighetsfinansiering.se.
-We will continue to increase our green financing. Green financing now represents 21 percent of our total funding. It is also gratifying that the price differentiation we have seen on green bank loans now also can be seen on the green bond market, says Åsa Lind, Head of Treasury at Fabege.
Fabege AB (publ)