Fabege sells property in Vasastan

Fabege has sold the Resedan 3 property in Vasastan to Probitas. The sale is being made in the form of a company, with an underlying property value of SEK 215m. 

In comparison with the valuation at the start of the year, the transaction results in a profit of SEK 39m before tax and SEK 65m after tax. The amount will be reported under unrealised changes in value in Q1.

- Resedan was a somewhat lonely item in our portfolio and Probitas was an obvious buyer, as it already owns a property in that area,” comments Klaus Hansen Vikström, Vice President and Director of Business Development at Fabege.

The property is located at Dalagatan 13, Odengatan 76, opposite Vasaparken in Stockholm. It is a combined residential and office building with a size of approximately 3,480 sqm, and was built in 1929. The largest tenant is PostNord. There are also eight residential flats in the property.

- We are very pleased about expanding our property holdings in our focus area of Norrmalm/Vasastan,” comments Samuel Borg, President and Group CEO of Probitas.

Fabege AB (publ)

12 Apr 2018 11:30 AM

For more information

Åsa Bergström, Deputy CEO and CFO, phone 46 (0)8 555 148 29, 46 (0)70 666 13 80
Klaus Hansen Vikström, Vice President and Director of Business Development, +46 (0)8-555 148 74, +46 (0)70-239 34 81

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